Developing Leaders
We are a boutique talent management consultancy dedicated to driving organisational performance through nurturing people
Your Business Success Is Our Mission
Competent, resilient and adaptable leaders are key to organisational success. Investing in your leadership talent will maximising their impact on your organisation.
Leaders have a disproportionate impact within organisations- the climate that they create for their teams has far-reaching and long-lasting effects on people, tasks and outcomes.
Leaders are having to operate in increasingly unstable, unpredictable and complex contexts which require them to develop and apply new leadership approaches on an ongoing basis. Leadership for the future requires leaders who can lead with Purpose, Lead with Agility, and Create followship.
We support organisations with:

Executive Assessment
Specialist selection processes for the critical roles on your executive teams
Engage Executive Assessment©– is our innovative Leadership Assessment & Development Process. It is based on decades of research and experience of developing Authentic Leaders who are ready for future challenges.
Leaders will gain greater self-awareness and receive insightful 360 degree feedback from the Engage Executive Assessment© process. Coaching support is provided to create a clear development plan to help realise their career goals whilst delivering organisational objectives. The approach builds from identifying the unique underlying values and principles of each leader. These foundational values and principles, the leader’s ‘unique story’, are used to drive powerful development actions, leading to greater engagement and outcomes from the leader’s intrinsic motivation to change.
Celebrating Diversity: Because Engage Executive Assessment© starts from the underlying qualities of the leader, it is less prone to social bias and celebrates individuality and diversity. The authentic leadership model that underpins our approach will also compliment any behavioural frameworks that already exist within your organisation.
The Engage Executive Assessment© Process
- Environment Scan: understanding exactly what the unique challenges are upon the leader and their function. This helps the leader to focus their development plans on areas that will really make a difference to the organisation.
- Values Card Sort: an engaging and transparent exercise identifying the Leader’s core values and discussing how these play-out in their work and life. Helping the leader to construct their own personal brand or story, and to place this at the heart of their development plans.
- 360 Authentic Leadership Feedback Questionnaire: online, structured questionnaire tool providing feedback to the leader on the climate and impact they create on the people around them. As the tool is specifically focused on Authentic Leadership impact, it can sit alongside any 360 tools you already use
- Career Discussion: focusing on the individual’s leadership approach, future aspirations and vision for their current role and beyond. Including your organisation’s core behavioural competences here can align development plans to business drivers.
- Personal Leadership Profile: a comprehensive psychometric tool bringing further rigour and insight to development planning.
- Development Planning: between sessions, the leader has access to a structured self-reflection and development planning tool to empower them in the development process.
- Feedback Report: between sessions, the Development Coach will produce an integrated report for the leader. The report is discussed at the second meeting, informing the review of the Leaders’ personal development plan.

Leadership Success Profiles

Provide your Leaders with a clear blueprint of what they need to do to deliver your organisational strategy. Behavioural, or competency frameworks are the foundation of your other talent processes, get these right and everyone across your organisation will have ultimate clarity on what is expected of them and how to succeed.
We partner with our clients to lead them through a process of assessing ‘what great looks like’ now and in the future and articulating this in accessible, usable frameworks that become part of the organisation’s cultural DNA.
Contact us to find out more about the following bespoke services:
Development Centres – Helping you to select high potentials for your talent pathways. Bespoke Assessment Design – Bespoke Assessment Centres designed to meet your high volume or specialist recruitment needs. Psychometric Profiling – Ability and personality assessments, bespoke reports.
Virtual Assessment Centres
Maximise the effectiveness and efficiency of your selection and assessment decisions through the use of objective, evidence-based tools delivered virtually.
Leadership Development
Your business doesn’t stand still, so neither should your people. We can help you to future-proof your organisation through ensuring your leaders have the knowledge, skills and competencies required to lead now and in the future.
Leadership Audit – Assess the bench strength of your leadership and gain objective insights to inform where to invest your resources.
Succession Planning – Protect your critical business functions by working with us to identify successors and support their development.

Executive Coaching
Organisations in all sectors face complexity and change at an ever increasing rate. Executive Coaching is an effective and focused way to help your executives meet the specific challenges they face.
Executive coaching is an individual, performance-focused, developmental activity that can help leaders to achieve their potential within organisations.
Coaching can be especially beneficial for individuals at times of transition, whether this is a move into a Management or Leadership role, taking on board-level accountability, facing organisational change, or when seeking their next role.
First 100 days – Your top talent is your greatest asset. Coaching can benefit your succession planning by helping to ensure that this talent is primed and ready to take on any new challenge that arises. Offering executive coaching is a clear message to your most talented employees that you value them and see their future with you.
Leadership Transitions – Taking on a leadership role is one of the most challenging steps that we make in our career. Individuals experiencing this benefit from proactive support in thinking through how they form effective relationships at this level and what behavioural shifts they need to make to ensure that they are, and are seen to be, effective in this new role within the organisation.
Leading organisational change – People leading change constantly deal with the complex needs of their teams. Coaching gives the executive the support that they need during this process to objectively assess the situation and make successful decisions.
Team Coaching: Coaching can also be delivered at a team-level as part of team development intervention. Team coaching gets to through root of team difficulties and provides fast results that last.
Contact us to book your no obligation Chemistry session with one of our coaches.

Fundamental Values Assessment
Deep below our visible behaviours lie our fundamental values. Core beliefs that we hold that drive and influence the choices we make and the actions we take.
Understanding these fundamental values, helps us to understand ourselves, and others at a deeper level. Helping us to make choices that align with who we are and supporting us during times of conflict or indecision to make an authentic decision.
We use our fundamental values cards in multiple ways to support clients to:
- Understand themselves
- Understand their teams
- Know how to get the best from people
- Inform selection decisions
- Manage change successfully
Contact us if you would like a no-obligation trial of our values cards to see how they can support your organisation

Our Values
We value people in their glorious diversity and design solutions that are good for humans.
Science is at the heart of everything we do. If it’s not backed up by science, we won’t be implementing it in your organisation.
We’re in it for the long-term, building our understanding of your organisation, its goals and challenges so we can support you now and in the future.
Pragmatically Positive
We believe that work can, and should, be rewarding and enjoyable.
“Without a doubt it was 3 of the most beneficial hours of my career and I feel really excited about the next steps”

“We have a plan and a clear way ahead for the first time ever, your support has been invaluable to us”

“Your insights and evaluations are consistently excellent. Your way of articulating points, and your development insights go a level deeper and are more actionable and relevant”

We Love Our Clients

Complimentary Consultation
Talk to us in confidence about your most important people and organisational goals,
we’re great listeners and all round lovely people to talk to